Welcome to the Dove and the Dolphin

Welcome to the Dove and the Dolphin - a website about ordinary citizens of the world doing what they can to help other citizens, regardless of political, racial, national or religious beliefs.

David needs to keep people informed about the rapid changes to the life of the Palestinian people, especially in the 'occupied territories'.  In fact, all Palestine is occupied by a criminal impostor. He will always speak the truth, and without fear.   

27 April 2024

A mother - in white, with her dead child in Iraq. A scupture - with words - by May Ayres

May Ayres is an artist, with her small frame' stands high in our tortured world. Her draughtmanship and her sculpting in stone ware is exceptional in conveying the essence of human evil and the most terrible suffering it causes. As I have said to her - her work will not be in the Tate with bisected sharks in formalin, with gliteratti gathered about adding thousands of dirty pounds by talking up the merits before them. But - by hook or by crook, we must make sure May's work and life will be there for many generations to come.

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