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Welcome to the Dove and the Dolphin - a website about ordinary citizens of the world doing what they can to help other citizens, regardless of political, racial, national or religious beliefs.

David needs to keep people informed about the rapid changes to the life of the Palestinian people, especially in the 'occupied territories'.  In fact, all Palestine is occupied by a criminal impostor. He will always speak the truth, and without fear.   

21 July 2024

To the Dear Children of Palestine and thus to all Dear Children.

David Halpin FRCS writes on Sunday the 21st of July AD 2024 At tea time yesterday, Sue had a message from Mahmoud Baroud PhD who is in Gaza with his wife Mona, and their 6 children of age - about 33 down to 23 years. We know them well because they spent 3 happy years here in England whilst Mahmoud read for a thesis at Exeter University. I can ‘see’ the family playing on the lawn here in sunshine about 14 years ago. There was great happiness and that was made greater because Tim Williams and Andi his wife had made the family so welcome and done all to help. You see that many mothers and fathers throughout our most wonderful world believe and follow that command of ‘love thy neighbour’. You have heard of Moses perhaps?

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