25 June 2006

Good news from Gaza

Whilst I am writing up a late newsletter, here are reports from Nihad about nine of the youngsters we support with your help. Are they not remarkable young people?

Islam Abu Sabha:

Her old 17 years, and passed to the twelfth stage by scoring %80 percentage. She is very optimistic to continue and register at university, our money is the unique current hope for her, so she has 2 unemployed graduates brothers. At least D&D help Islam to buy books and stationeries in addition to help some of her family.

Ahlam Al Temawi:

She is very superior girl, instead of her family difficult situation she scored excellent marks and got the first orderly at her class ‘fifth stage’. Ahlam is a child and all her brothers and sisters, her father is partially disable and can’t work. No one of Ahlam family’s can work which leads to very difficult financial situation. D&D helps this girl and some of her brothers scholars in buying books and some clothes in addition to give her big push to continue at same range of marks.

Fatma Messleh:

Her father’s work day and set ten, he repaired the family flat to be suitable by the minimum condition for living, all this factors increased the difficulties in these family. But Fatma was too serious in her study and got on %82 percentage and passed to the eleventh stage. D&D money left positive effects on all family, we read this message from their eyes

Neda’a Abu Tawela:

She has one brother study at the university and the others are children, her father’s unemployed and faces big problems in finding bread for the family, but Neda’s doesn’t worry to these issues and just concentrates on her study, She is very good in the school and got %84 and will pass to the eleventh stage.

Malka Naseer:

She is living at Bait Hanoon eastern border, and she faces daily dangerous. Her study is doing very well, she scored good marks this year and passed to the next stage. Our money helps Malka and her family in big way, she has 3 brothers at the universities and one disable. Her father still ill and can’t work, Malka father’s and mother’s need about $100 monthly just for drugs, so by D&D money Malka can continue and all her sisters and brothers in study.

Belal Al Qerem:

He is studying in beach camp secondary school, and passed to the next stage ‘twelfth ‘ which will pass him to the university. His family situation as usual, no works and no income for this big family, his sister study in the university. D&D money help him too much to continue and in buying necessary goods for his family. Belal is interesting in birds growing, he has some pairs of birds and some times sell old pairs and use this little money to help the big family.

Mohammad Al Afifi:

He joined with vocational school at south Gaza, some times he works in the knitting field with his relative by limited money, but because of the closure the work is not continues, these limited money beside D&D money is helping his family too much. I assure him to continue in his study to keep on D&D support, I will evaluate any result at the beginning of the school year at next September to decide: continue or not..

Shaima’a Keshko:

Will start this school year in twelfth stage, she scored good percentage in the eleventh stage and keen to continue. All her brother and sister are studying at schools, which means no one of her brothers can work. The dad is jobless, they are living in very busy and poor area ‘Al Zaiton’. D&D helps Shaima’s in finding the necessary clothes and things like any teen girl in addition to pay the school fee, she will keep our monthly money during these three months holiday to buy school uniforms for her and for all brothers scholars.

Ala’a Abeed:

She is very happy, her sister will marry this month and by D&D she will buy new and beautiful clothes for this party, she says: I will buy modest gift for my sister. Her study is very will, D&D money help her brothers and sisters so all of them are scholars. The old brother is scholars, and the dad can’t work, so our money helps all the family in hidden way by keeping all scholars at schools.