09 February 2003

News from sunny Shrophsire!

John et al, It's me again, from sunny Shropshire - hope
you're enjoying sunshine too in the med! Some lovely photos on the
gallery - well done - I guess you've "benefitted" from being thrown in at
the deep end with emailing and digital cameras etc! We are so much
wanting to see you when you get back, even if we have to come down to you,
we'll do it! Also if you want to any on-going fund-raising by giving
talks, singing etc., I'm sure we could organise for some of Shrewsbury's
more wealthy folk to come and listen and give... It's weird having a
one-sided conversation but just to let you know that we are thinking of
you, and Cheryl, have rung her but just left a message on the ansaphone.
Lots of love, Heather and DAve
Name: heather & Dave