28 February 2008

Off to Gaza

David and Sue are off to Gaza - for the charity, for a medical symposium where David will speak on water and the education of doctors in Palestine, and to stand for justice with the Palestinian people.

Do read this. It says it all.


A reader speaks of the author -

I am breaking my rule of not bothering you today but thought I must send this on. I am just watching the video of him speaking -he's is such a nice young man of 22 - film made last year - a terrible litany - his father imprisoned, his mother's leg broken in the demolition of their house- he came home from school to find his house had disappeared - all their furniture and possessions were burnt separately - his brother was killed by 7 bullets, the woman who came to help was also shot at and killed and her husband who came to her aid was shot in the neck and knee. And many many stories of the same. He seems to be without bitterness but is angry of course. He's is an amazing person and gives a polished and confident delivery. He has worked for Sky, BBC and other TV channels.