05 July 2009

They never give up. The disabled people of Gaza will be helped by the Dove and the Dolphin.

They never give up. The disabled people of Gaza will be helped by the Dove and the Dolphin.

The Al Jazeera sports club will be better able to help the disabled people. There are many thousands and some thousands more have been added by the recent shoah. The Alfulaij family gave thirty thousand pounds in memory of their father and husband.

1. Project Aims and Objectives:
To develop the field of disabled athletics in Palestine.
To increase public awareness and education regarding disability in the target community.
To assist disabled people in the target community in gaining self confidence and alleviating some of their suffering.

2. Target Community:
The elite disabled athletes in the Gaza Strip (35 male and female athletes).
The Palestinian disabled in Gaza Strip (the official number exceeds 70,000).
The local community generally and specifically in the northern Gaza Strip.

3. Tangible Deliverables:
Completing the infrastructural work proposed in this document.
Sponsoring at least 40 disabled athletes for 1 year.
Providing the local disabled community with sporting facilities.

4. Intangible Deliverables:
Raising the profile of disabled athletics within Palestine.
Raising the profile of the Palestine national team in athletics.
Developing relationships between disabled Palestinian and international athletes.
Educating the local public about disability in a positive and constructive manner.

The Dove and Dolphin is pleased and privileged to help in this.

PICTURE See earlier message 'Mahmoud had sight; now he does not'