16 October 2011

Your final gifts to some of the poorest children of Gaza

Winding up the Dove and the Dolphin has been sad and slower than we wished. The trustees agreed that the $37000 left should be spent on having uniforms made in Gaza for as many poor children as possible.

Our good friend Mahmoud Baroud, who spent 3 years here in Exeter reading for a PhD related to English Literature, eventually got back to Gaza with his wife Mona and their 6 children. The persecution of this family is but one example of millions of acts of oppression and barbarism arising from the presence of the Zionist cuckoo within the umma and the obedience of all western and most Arab nations to the needs of that bird. I hope that Mahmoud will write a full account of what his family went through at British hands. We asked Mahmoud to recommend a charity who would fulfill our wishes and which had a good reputation.

He came up with the Social Charitable Association of Rafah


Mr Deeb is his contact. They got to work. Mahmoud wrote 'They have distributed 2140 school uniforms equally  for boys and girls.' The uniforms for the girls have been made in Gaza. (picture) $9000 is sitting in our account in the Rimal Branch of the Bank of Palestine. Susan, with some help from Yousef Zawahreh, has been doing her very best to get this money transferred to the account of the Social Charitable Association so this last amount can be spent on uniforms.

Mahmoud said this 4 October 2011.

“Afwan Brother David, The school uniform cast a big smile on the students' and also parents' faces. Great Idea. I may suggest using the rest of the Funds (9 thousands US Dollars from Palestine Bank) to make school uniforms for the Secondary level students (first, second and third). I heard this from parents themselves so that we can cover all various levels of the community. Simply speaking some poor families don't have small children and even their Primary school children are so big and tall that the current uniform is not fit for them. This means only one long dress  and a small scarf for the head. Please let us know what do you think. Otherwise we will use the funds for the Elementary and primary levels as before.”

When they get the money we will be happy for older children to have uniforms made for them.

Please note that this web site will continue to exist so that I can record the suffering of our sisters and brothers in Palestine in the face of silent nations who pay only lip service to the UN Charter, the Geneva Conventions and International Human Rights Law.

I am currently preoccupied with achieving permission to judicially review the UK Attorney General
who refused our plea for an inquest into the unnatural death of Dr David Kelly 17/18 July 2003.

See http://dhalpin.infoaction.org.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=122&Itemid=2